Friday, October 10, 2014

Posts for the Second Quarter

1. Insights on the Filipino month celebration theme.

2. Modern Day Hero
Who do you look up to as your modern day hero?  Who is the person whom you admire the most?  Is it your mom, dad, brother, sister, friend or teacher?  Is it a news anchor, politician, basketball player or a singer, or maybe a street vendor, taxi driver, policeman, or saleslady in a nearby mall?

3.  My Teacher, My Hero
In celebrating teachers' month, you are to write about how your teachers inspired and touched your lives.

4.  Insights on the Science Month celebration theme.

5.  Intramurals 2014.

6.  2nd Quarter Reflection

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Safe Blogging Tips for Students

Blogging can be both a learning and fun activity if done responsibly. It provides a channel for them to practice their writing skills as well as an outlet to express and share their thoughts and opinions.
However, when students become too transparent online and reveal their personal information, blogging can pose serious threats. There are people out there who prey on children for sexual tourism and many other Internet crimes.
To ensure blogging will not only be fun but safe activity for our students, here are some tips for safe blogging: 
  · Limit the personal information you post on your profile - never provide complete names, address, and most importantly, contact details.
· Similarly, avoid providing information about your whereabouts.
· Limit posting of personal photos, including photos of your family, friends.
· Avoid posting provocative thoughts and photos.
· Post only materials that you believe are appropriate for everybody to read. Remember, aside from being cautious online, you also provide a respectable online portfolio.
· Don't reply to rude or questionable comments as they might just be inciting you to respond and reveal personal details.
· Most importantly, don’t meet the people you “meet” online. If somebody tries to harass or hounds you online, ignore them or bring up the matter with your parent or teacher.

Smart Schools Program, "ICT Resources"

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Posts for the First Quarter

Check if you have a complete posts in your blog for the first quarter.

1. A letter to the President of the Philippines.
Make a letter to the President expressing any or all of the following: admiration, dismay, support and others.

2. Nutrition Month Celebration 2014.
Write your insights on the theme of the years Nutrition Month Celebration:
Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan"

3. SONA 2014
Make a reaction about the 4th State of the Nation Address (SONA) of the President.

4. Reflection
Make a reflection on all the learning you gained during the First quarter following the guide questions:
a. What are the learning/discoveries that i have gained?
b. What are the problems/challenges that i have encountered?
c. How did I address these challenges?
d. Moving on, I will...

Scavenger Hunt 2

Activity no.2

Using the web. Copy the table in a  blank MS Word  document and fill out the needed information.

Significant Contribution to the Development of Internet
1.    Vinton CErf

2. Robert Kahn

3 Jon Postel

4. William Torres

5.  Joel Disini

6. Dr. Rodolfo Villarica

7. Eric Bina

8.  Marc Andreesen

9. Tim Berners Lee

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Scavenger Hunt 1

Scavenger Hunt
Activity no. 1

Using the Search terms study the following facts and information on the internet.
Write your answer on the table.

1. Sometime in 1999, a chief Scientist at the NIIT named _____, started an experiment Hole in the Wall

2. What does NIIT stands for?

3. It was first implemented at a slum area in ______, New Delhi

4. This team carved a Hole in the Wall that separated NIIT campuses from the slum areas.  Why did they carved a hole-in-the-wall

5.  What was the significant finding of the experiment?

6. What could be the implication of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT learning?

7. Compare the shape of the population pyramid of Singapore and Philippines in 2050?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Student Blogging

Goals with student blogs include:

1. Students will communicate effectively.
2. Students will share thoughts, ideas, and opinions, and support them with details that make understanding easy.
3. Students will become better writers, both in content and mechanics.
4. Students will become better readers, improving comprehension and the ability to read critically.
5. Students will share great books and enter into dialogue about them.
6. Students will use Web 2.0 technology as a tool to publish their work to share with their peers, family, and friends.

In addition to the goals for learning, there are other benefits to students. These include:
1. Blogging is fun.
2. Students can improve writing in an exciting and engaging manner.
3. Students can share their work with friends.
4. Students can comment on their friend's work, sharing thoughts and ideas.
5. Students can learn about using computers and web-based tools.
6. Students can show off their work to their parents, grandparents, and other family members.
7. Students can earn good grades for doing something they like.

Mr. McGuire "The Reading Workshop"